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HVAC Email Marketing: 3 Campaigns to Engage Customers


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Why do HVAC businesses still use email marketing to sell more systems and add ons?

Using HVAC email templates is a very effective way of engaging with your current customers. This will increase loyalty and encourage upselling! Emails should be a BIG part of your marketing efforts.

It’s also very easy to implement and the most inexpensive use of your marketing dollars. For every dollar you spend on email marketing, the average return is $42. That’s a strong ROI (Return on Investment).

You want to stay relevant to your current customers. Let them know that “you’re still there” when they need an upgrade or service. Emails connect your HVAC company to its customers.

In this article we will cover a few email basics plus three sample campaigns to increase engagement with your customers:

  • Promo offer
  • Referral
  • Repeat business

First – Getting Started with HVAC emails​

Creating an HVAC email campaign sounds daunting, but it can be simple. Especially with all the great software tools at your disposal.

Basic engagement email campaigns typically consist of 2-3 emails sent in a row over a period of time. We recommend spacing each email out between 3-5 business days.

Most HVAC emails don’t need to be paragraphs long. Your customers are busy – get to the point! However, be sure you are explaining WHY they should care about what you are sending them.

Email campaigns can be used for a wide variety of purposes:

  • To engage current customers with helpful content and tips
  • Sell to new customers
  • Share current promos

For the engagement HVAC email templates below, our goal is to increase current customer engagement, get more referrals and upsell additional services.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s get to it! It’s time to create some HVAC emails!

Sample Campaign # 1​

Theme: Promo

In this template, we’ll offer $50 off furnace and air conditioning tune-ups to existing customers.

The purpose of this campaign is to boost engagement by offering the customer a deal on service. The CTA will take the customer to a sign up page to schedule service.

Email 1

(Subject Line) Claim your $50 discount

(Title) Is it Service Time? Here’s $50 so you can schedule.

(Body) Did you know xyz company can save you $x on your energy bill each month? Servicing your furnace and AC keeps things running smoothly and saves you money!

We’re offering $50 off to help you maintain your comfort! If you make an appointment in (MONTH), we’ll take $50 off any service or check up. Not only will you save on your appointment, you’ll also save big on your energy bills.

With regular tune-ups you can extend the life of your unit. Also changing or cleaning your filters regularly reduces energy consumption by between 5 and 15%.

(Call to Action) Schedule your service TODAY for peace of mind tomorrow!

Email 2

(Subject Line) Last chance to claim your discount

(Title) Don’t forget to Save on Service!

(Body) There’s still time to get $50 off service on your furnace and AC! But don’t wait, this expires on X DAY.

Regularly servicing your furnace and AC can add years to your equipment. And a well-oiled machine will save you money on your energy bill with increased efficiency.

Make sure your heat and air are running right! Tune-ups check more than 20 different areas to make sure your system is optimal.

(Call to Action) Sign up NOW to schedule your service and save $50!

Sample Campaign #2​

Purpose: Referral

Offer your customers a chance to win a free gift card if they refer a friend within a certain time period.

The purpose of this campaign is to gain more customers through referrals. The CTA will take the customer to a sign up page where they can refer a friend and sign up to win one of the gift cards.

Email 1

(Subject Line) Refer and enter to win!

(Title) Refer a Friend – Win a $100 Gift card!

(Body) We are giving away (3) $100 (GIFT CARD TYPE) gift cards to existing customers. Want to get in on the action? Just refer a friend to us before (DATE) and you’ll be qualified!

Here are just a few of our popular services that your friends may also need:

  • AC/Furnace Tune-Up
  • Boiler Repair
  • Tankless Water Heaters
  • Duct cleaning
  • Backup Generator

(Call to Action) Send us your referral’s contact information to [email protected]. If your friend books an appointment, you’ll be entered to win!

Email 2

(Subject Line)
Still time to enter to win!

(Title) Still time to win a $100 gift card!

(Body) Some of our favorite customers were referred to us. We enjoy working with you, and we’d love to work with your family and friends, too!

Plus, we still have 3 (GIFT CARD TYPE) gift cards burning a hole in our pocket for referrers!

All you need to do for your chance to win one of them is send us your referral’s contact information to [email protected]. If your friend books an appointment by X day, you’ll be entered to win!

(Call to Action) Cash in by sending us a referral today: have your referral email us at [email protected] – be sure they tell us who sent them!

Sample Campaign #3​

Theme: Repeat Business

The purpose of this campaign is to keep current customers aware of new services that they may be interested in. The CTA will take the customer to a sign up page where they can schedule a demo for the new service.

Email 1

(Subject Line) ?Time to add zoning?

(Title) New Service for You!

(Body) At (COMPANY NAME), We’re always looking for more opportunities to serve our customers. We just launched a new service that will help you save big on your bills and keep you more comfortable!

HVAC zoning utilizes a series of dampers that can open or close mechanically to deliver airflow to each part of the home.

Adding HVAC zoning to your existing HVAC system is a new popular service we provide. Here are some benefits:

  • Zoning makes sure your upstairs rooms stay cool in summer and downstairs rooms remain warm in winter
  • Save energy (and money!) by controlling the temperature for each room – no more wasted energy on unused rooms

(Call to Action) Interested in this new service? Call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX to learn more!

Email 2

(Subject Line) Do this to save money this year….

(Title) Zoning is the new comfort upgrade!

(Body) The weather is getting cooler – will your rooms all stay warm?

By adding HVAC zoning to your existing system, you can make sure all your rooms remain comfortable – in the summer and winter!

HVAC zoning utilizes a series of dampers that can open or close mechanically to deliver airflow to each part of the home. And you can better control the temperature in areas in your home that may not be used as often – saving you money.

This new service can heat your home more efficiently while saving energy and money!

(Call to Action) See what all the excitement is about by emailing [email protected] or call XXX-XXX-XXXX to get started!

Reviewing Results and Split Testing​

When you launch a campaign and hit the send button, you want to track how it performed, right? How many customers opened the email? How many read through it and hit the CTA button? And how many unsubscribed?

Email software can help you use split testing to get the best-performing campaigns possible. Split testing or A/B testing involves testing your email using two different versions of the email sent to a select number of your customers.

For example, You may send one version to 50 customers and another version to another 50. Then you can use your software to see which title, offer, or body text performed better. Again, your email software can help with this process.

Connect with your Customers with HVAC Email Campaigns!​

You now have three campaigns to help keep in contact with your customers. Feel free to use these email templates as a basis for your own email campaigns!

In this post we shared tools to help with email marketing, plus examples of three types of HVAC email campaigns:

  • Promo offer
  • Referral
  • Repeat business

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Related: HVAC Email Marketing & Other Strategies for Busy Season

The post HVAC Email Marketing: 3 Campaigns to Engage Customers appeared first on FieldEdge.
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