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Gain Loyal Customers Through HVAC Maintenance Plan Templates


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Steady revenue streams. Loyal customers. Fewer 3:00 AM emergency calls. Sound too good to be true? Well, maybe it’s time to focus on selling more HVAC maintenance contracts!

These maintenance agreements can often benefit both you and your customers. Give your service plan subscribers round-the-clock peace of mind, and create consistent revenues during your slower months.

Want to sell more HVAC maintenance plans? Customize this one-pager and share with your customers to help highlight just how great these service agreements can be!

What are HVAC Maintenance Contracts?​

HVAC maintenance contracts are preventative service plans that help turn one-time customers into repeat business!

These scheduled service plans include regular checkups of the customer’s entire system. This means you can catch HVAC issues before they become emergencies!

Let your customers rest easy knowing their preferred HVAC repair company has their back. You’ll see a decrease in emergency or short-notice calls, while increasing positive interactions with your customers!

Check out our guide to increasing overall customer satisfaction!

HVAC maintenance contracts also help prevent your customers from feeling like every interaction they have with you is just a sales pitch for a product or service. You’ll be viewed as their HVAC ally!

Customers Benefit from Your Service Agreements, Too!​

Aside from trust and peace of mind, you can offer your customers some great benefits as exclusives for HVAC maintenance contracts.

Exclusive Priority Service Ideas​

  • Guaranteed Same-Day Service
  • Free Diagnostic Advice to Plan Subscribers
  • A Direct Service Request Number
  • Special Monthly Subscriber Email
  • Unique Subscriber Blog or Forum
  • Waved Dispatch Fee for Higher Tier Plans

Better Overall System Reliability​

Increased system efficiency means daily cost savings for your customers. An average HVAC system should last 12 to 20 years, and scheduled maintenance helps extend that longevity.

You’re offering better overall system performance and reliability for HVAC units that are both in and out of warranty.

How to Create HVAC Maintenance Contracts that Sell​

First, it’s all about mindset.

Do you want your field technicians running from emergency to emergency every day? Do you want stressed customers calling only when they have full system failures?

That doesn’t sound like a great situation for anybody.

Focus on delivering preemptive holistic maintenance plans. These will help keep your customer’s entire system running optimally and without issue. This creates peace of mind and a sense of support.

You’ll have less panicked calls from customers. And you’ll also have less stressed dispatchers and field technicians working more predictable hours. Less 3:00 AM emergency calls, less sleepless nights.

You’re selling trust when you offer an HVAC maintenance contract to your customers. And people are willing to pay for preventative services they trust. Peace of mind is a premium, but it comes with a price tag that’s actually lower than routine emergency visits!

Need help preparing your HVAC business to sell maintenance plans? Download our FREE Service Agreement Sales Kit to get everything you need to start selling today!

Download Now

Customers Want Plan Choices​

But don’t forget that one plan won’t fit all customers. Plan choice and customer financing options will create the space to allow each customer to feel included in this offering.

Also, commercial and residential customers have different needs. Many will require different intervals for your scheduled maintenance visits. If your customers run larger commercial buildings, then quarterly visits might be best. While residential service agreements are more likely to only need HVAC maintenance once or twice a year.

These service agreements can create consistent income for your business, which should allow you to extend some savings to your customers. But, don’t cut too deep into your profit margins just to sign more HVAC maintenance agreements.

Are There any Hidden Costs in HVAC Maintenance Contracts?​

Waving dispatch fees and offering service discounts are common perks. But be aware of how deep you cut into your profits when building out your plans. You could quickly find yourself in the red. Remember, you still have to uphold your end of the contract. So budget your plan discounts accordingly!

Don’t know how much you should be charging for your service agreements? Check out our tips on pricing your contracts!

You can offer an internal incentive plan for staff who sign the most customer service plans. But don’t forget to incorporate those incentive costs into your overall profit structure. This will help prevent any margin surprises as you sell more contracts.

Remember to scale your cost projections when building your service contract model. Not just for one customer, but 10, 20, even 200. If your contracts become popular, you want to make sure you can scale your business with contracts as a cornerstone of your profit model.


Thoughtfully construct your service plans to benefit both you and your customers. Doing so will make agreements that much easier to sell! You’ll have more positive customer interactions every day, less stressed staff, and fewer emergency calls at inconvenient hours. And don’t forget about that steady revenue through slow seasons!

Tweak our one-page sales sheet to meet your company’s needs, hand them out to your customers – and get selling!

And track your active service agreements with FieldEdge’s Field Management Software! Click here to see the benefits and schedule a free demo to learn more!

The post Gain Loyal Customers Through HVAC Maintenance Plan Templates appeared first on FieldEdge.
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